Monday 28 May 2012

Tera Priest Build Guide

Want to learn the best Tera Priest Build? Well, if you are looking for a simple and straight forward guide to show you how to properly build your Priest in Tera, you have come to the right place. My name is Stephanie Lee and I have been addicted to Tera ever since its debut in Korea. I consider myself a pretty good Tera player and since its North American release, I have even devoted literally hundreds of hours researching the best skill, glyph and crystals builds that work the best for certain situations.

Below, I have outlined some viable skill builds and glyph builds for the Priest that I have found to have worked quite well. Keep in mind that this guide only covers a small aspect of the Priest. If you want a full Priest guide to show you the perfect builds and how to completely max out your character in every way, I highly recommend the Argon's Guide.

As you progress through the game as a priest you will be able to unlock literally dozens of skills, however only a handful of them are good for specific situations that you will encounter. So, knowing which skills and glyph to equip on your Priest for different situations is extremely important if you want to dominate your friends at Tera.

The build that I will be exposing to you today is a support and healer inspired build that I have developed after countless hours of research. I will show you the skills that I chose plus two glyphs that you can use to compliment that particular skill with the pros and cons of each.Keep in mind that the skill build I created was designed around my own play style. Feel free to change or add new skills according to your liking.

Restorative Burst is one of the better heals in the game despite the fact that you unlock it at low levels. When activated, the skill will cast a 4 meter radius healing circle, centered 10 meters in front of you.

The healing circle will heal for 5 seconds and any ally standing within the circle will be healed up to 559 HP per second. Restorative Burst has an instant cast time, cool down of 12 seconds and takes 1100 mana to cast.

Glyph of Brilliance: This glyph decreases the mana consumption of Restorative Burst by 275. Since it costs an outrageous 1100 mana to cost (which will chunk your mana pool in early games), it is important to take this glyph to reduce the MP consumption a bit.

Glyph of Lingering: This glyph will increase the healing circle by 20%. An important glyph to consider when you are in a party that needs constant healing.

Purifying Circle is the one and only cleanse spell that the Priest will be able to unlock. It has a rather large AOE and can cleanse up to 15 allies debuffs within a 17 meter circle. Purifying Circle has an instant cast time, cool down of 2.5 seconds and costs 375 mana to activate.

Glyph of Energy: The only glyph here that I could consider using for this spell is Glyph of Energy. This glyph reduces the cool down of Purifying Circle by 25%. This might not seem like a lot, but being able to spam this spell will allow you to keep your team fighting at 100% at all times.

Resurrect is a pretty self explanatory skill. This is a single target skill that will allow you to resurrect a fallen ally that is 5 meter in front of your character. Resurrect takes 5.1 seconds to cast, has a cool down of 20 seconds and costs 1700 mana to activate.

Glyph of Brilliance: This glyph decreases the mana consumption of Resurrect by 510. If you do not have a large mana pool, it may be smart to consider this glyph.

Glyph of Energy: This glyph will decrease the cool down of Resurrect from 20 seconds to 10 seconds. Important glyph to get if you know that you will be fighting BAM's and that you team will be dying a lot.

Glyph of Blaze : This glyph will increase the casting speed of Resurrect by 30%. A good glyph to consider for pulling off clutch resurrection during intense team fights.

Healing Circle is the absolute strongest burst heal that you will have throughout your priest career. When activated, it will heal five of your closest allies for up to 4545 hit points. The downside to this skill is that you will have to get in melee range for it to work and that it also shares cool down with Restorative Burst. The cast time of Healing Circle is instant, cost 650 mana to activate and has a cool down of 5 seconds.

Glyph of Restoration: The only glyph that I would consider to get for Healing Circle would be this one. Although it might not seem like a lot, this glyph will increase the HP restoration by 10%. Playing as a support role, you should try to get as much healing as you can. Kaia's Shield is a shield that you can use on your whole team given that they are in range. When activated, you will be able to shield up to 5 allies within 18 seconds for 12 seconds for up to 9803 damage. Your allies will also be unable to get stunned or knocked down while shield. Kaia's Shield has an instant cast time, cost 675 mana to activate and has a cool down of 75 seconds.

Glyph of Energy: This glyph will reduce the cool down of Kaia's Shield by 20%. Since this spell is very powerful, but has an outrageous cool down, it is smart to use this glyph to increase the number of times you can spam.

Glyph of the Sanative: This glyph will allow you and your group members to receive an effect that will heal 5% of their maximum HP every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. A very good glyph that will further add support and survivability to your team.

Having the right crystal build for your Priest in Tera is just as important as the right skills and glyphs. Below, I have outlined the crystals that I find to be the most effective for your weapon and armour in support and healing situations.


Fine Carving- Increases your critical chance percentage by X

Focused- Increases your critical damage to enraged monsters

Savage- Increases your critical damage when attacking monsters/players from rear

Backbiting- Increases your critical damage to normal monsters from rear

Acrimonious- Increases your critical damage to medium monsters from rear


Relentless- Will increase your overall HP by X amount

Vigorous- Will give you hit point regeneration by X amount per 5 seconds.

The builds above for the Tera Priest should be used as a guideline. The reason I say this is because these builds are targeted towards my own personal preference, play style and of course builds are never set in stone. Builds for your Priest will always change depending on the situation/scenario you are in and also differs depending on factors such as your own play style, equipment and hot keys. However, there is a way to know exactly what is the best build to use in every situation as an Priest. Want to know the best current builds for the Priest that have been created and used by professional Tera players? Sources: Wordpress Myspace Live Journal

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